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Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique, often referred to as “laying on of hands” that aids in stress reduction, relaxation and healing. Reiki helps restore harmony to the mind, body and spirit. Life energy flows through our physical bodies along pathways called chakras. When energy flows freely, we experience health and well-being. Conversely, when the flow of energy is disrupted or restricted, we are more vulnerable to illness.

Reiki involves the transfer to energy from the practitioner to you.

What is the difference between Angelic Reiki and Usui Reiki?


Although all reiki methods fundamentally do the same thing, which is to provide very powerful and tranquil healing, Angelic and Usui Reiki have four key differences.


Source of Energy

With Usui Reiki, the source of the energy is manifested and sustained by the practitioner. However, in Angelic Reiki, the energy is pure divine energy from the Angelic Kingdom. This means that the practitioner simply acts as a channel for the energy to be transmitted to the recipient, usually through placing their hands on their shoulders.



When you are attuned to Usui Reiki, it is carried out by a Reiki Master Teacher. It is the Angelic Kingdom that carries out the attunements for Angelic Reiki, with each individual being attuned by their assigned healing Angel.


Practitioner’s Role

The role of the practitioner varies greatly between Usui and Angelic Reiki. In Usui Reiki, the practitioner has a very active role within the healing session which consists of them using their psychic intuition to find the areas of the body that needs the healing the most. However, when practicing Angelic Reiki, the practitioner will have a much more passive role as their healing Angel instructs them with what to do.


Connection to the Divine

The main difference is that Angelic Reiki provides attunement and energy directly from the divine, with no human interference. It is common for people to feel more connected and in tune with the Angelic Kingdom and the divine after both attunement, and a healing session.

Reiki Training

What you'll learn

  • Learn how to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system

  • Understand the history of Reiki and how it has changed over time

  • Perform Reiki sessions with the intention of addressing all areas of life

  • Learn how to visualize the locations of the meridian and chakra energy systems in the body

  • Guided through techniques to help you access your intuition

  • Learn how to perform complete Reiki sessions on yourself and others

  • Explore multiple methods for performing Reiki from a distance

  • Heal unwanted patterns and learn how to manifest your goals

  • Practice using the Reiki symbols for power, release, transcending time/space and to connect with your insightful self

  • Receive advanced techniques such as psychic surgery, meeting your Reiki Guides and accessing different levels of consciousness

  • You will learn and experience the benefits of regular meditation

  • Receive Level I, II and Master distance attunements from your Reiki Master

  • Learn how to administer all attunements to students.

Reiki Level 1: The First Degree (Shoden)

Level 1 is a practitioner's initiation into reiki and is open to anyone. The focus during Level 1 is on opening the energy channels on a physical level, allowing the practitioner to connect to the universal life force energy, which flows from the cosmos through the crown of the head and down to the heart and hands. Many reiki masters emphasize self-reiki as the goal of the Level 1 designation, encouraging students to focus on practicing reiki on themselves, thereby working through their own obstacles. Typically the Level 1 course also includes an overview of the history of reiki.

What to expect during a Level 1 Attunement:

The reiki Level 1 attunement was initially given in four separate attunements. There are some reiki masters who still teach using this method. However, many reiki masters provide the Level 1 attunement in a single session. After the first attunement, many experience physical symptoms of energy in their palms—including tingling, coolness, or heat. Anxiousness, exhaustion, and sadness are not uncommon after the Level 1 attunement.

Due to the intensity of the attunement process, some reiki masters recommend that at least 21 days to a full three months pass between receiving the Level 1 and Level 2 attunements (Level 1 is required to receive Level 2).

Reiki Level 2: The Second Degree (Okuden)

Level 2 gives students the skills to practice reiki on others and open energy channels more deeply. Students also receive their symbols during this level. There are five symbols in reiki and each one corresponds to a specific energy (power, harmony, distance, mastery, and completion). Students are expected to use these symbols to bring the universal energy of reiki into their everyday lives in more practical ways. The symbols can also help people provide reiki over long distances or send healing energy wherever it may be needed in the world.

What to expect during a Level 2 Attunement:

The Level 2 attunement is typically given in one single attunement, with a focus on opening up the heart chakra, the midpoint between the physical and spiritual chakras. Students have their eyes closed for this attunement so they can look within and fully feel into the process' effect on the heart.

It is recommended to take at least six months to one year between your Level 2 and master training, to allow the lessons you just learned to really sink in.

Reiki Level 3: The Third Degree (Shinpiden) & Reiki Master

In many courses, the Third Degree and Reiki Master are the same designation. However, some teachers separate Level 3 from Reiki Master. The Reiki Master Level is traditionally considered the teacher's level, and masters are able to walk away and attune new reiki practitioners. However, many receive the master attunement, along with the corresponding symbol, yet don't feel comfortable or practiced in properly attuning others—hence the distinction between Third Degree and Reiki Master.

Becoming a reiki master also represents a deep commitment to the reiki practice, and some feel that significant time should pass between achieving the Second Degree status and Master Level. Because the Master Level is taught in a wide range of methods, you should meditate on which path feels right for you and spend time and consideration in selecting a master.

The reiki levels provide a general organization of the progression of reiki mastership. Because reiki courses are taught and organized in a wide variety of methods, it's important to research and find both the format and instructor that is right for you.

Animal Reiki

f your animal is happy, peaceful, relaxed, in good health, calm and stress free then so will you be.

All animals, whether they be pets, farm, utility or wild, benefit from the healing powers of Reiki which works on the whole animal to restore the body's natural balance by flowing directly to the source of any imbalance.

It helps heal on a mental, physical and emotional level, hence maintaining your animal's health and allowing them to be happy, peaceful, relaxed, healthy, calm and stress free.  

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